- 你何时失去童贞?
- When did you lose your virginity ?
- 坦白说,它事实上是童贞保险的抵押品。
- They were , frankly , virginity insurance .
- 每次爱尔娜和一位新对象进行到了呼吸沉重的阶段,她就得决定是否要失去童贞。
- Every time elna baker hits the heavy-breathing stage with a new guy , she has to decide whether to lose her virginity .
- 最后期限对于贸易谈判方的重要性就像圣奥古斯丁眼中的贞洁与禁欲一般:是遥远的理想而非必须履行的义务。
- Deadlines are to trade negotiators what chastity and continence were to st augustine : distant aspirations rather than binding obligations .
- 贞操与政治观点之间有直接联系。
- There was a direct intimate connexion between chastity and political orthodoxy .
- 玉米的雌性生殖器被一种植物“贞操带”包裹着是坚硬的、几乎无法通过的外壳。
- Corn 's female organs are sheathed in a sort of vegetable chastity belt-surrounded by a tough , virtually impenetrable husk .