- 没有玩笑,而且很难保持积极的心态。
- There 's no banter and it 's hard to stay motivated .
- 在一段“回到未来”的旅程后,两人登台,互开玩笑,还调侃起他们的母亲和祖母。
- After taking a trip " back to the future , " the couple ended up onstage for banter with each other -- and their mother and grandmother .
- 有迎合式幽默的人在的地方就好玩;他们会讲一些有趣的东西,说笑话,致力于诙谐地玩笑,且一般都能使人放松心情。
- People who use bonding humor are fun to have around ; they say amusing things , tell jokes , engage in witty banter and generally lighten the mood .
- 我们每个人梳理我们从他那里得到的一缕一缕的哲学。
- We each tease out our own strands of philosophy from what he has to say .
- 这篇文章会称这座城市lemberg来取笑这群人。
- To tease them , this diary will call the city lemberg .
- 在夏布洛尔电影里,有很多迹象是对中产阶级故作自尊的取笑。
- There was a tease in chabrol and many signs of bourgeois respectability .
- 美国纽柯公司(nucorcorp.)等钢铁企业熔炼的是回收钢材,而不是煤或铁矿石,它们不会受到影响。
- Steelmakers such as u.s. - based nucor corp. ( nue ) that melt recycled steel , rather than coal and iron ore , won 't be impacted .
- 您已选择停用一个或更多的传送装置。这需要将被停用的传送装置的路由管理器和路由通讯协议从这个请求拨号接口删除。如果要继续,请单击“是”;如果要重新启用传送装置,请单击“否”。
- " You have chosen to disable one or more transports . Doing so requires the routing managers and routing protocols for the disabled transports to be removed from this demand-dial interface . Click yes if you want to conti nue , or no if you want to re-enable the transports . "
- 电动汽车就像娱乐圈的少女新人一样,在一炮走红之后,就因成名过早而渐渐黯淡下去,看来电动汽车现在还没有迎来它的黄金年代。
- Like the showbiz ing é nue who slumps after her first big hit , evs may have suffered from premature celebrity and are not quite ready for prime time .