Back at my place , we sat on my living room couch and I engaged in the nervous banter that usually arises from having a relative stranger in your house .
From joburg slang to cape town banter , this dynamic language 's words are everywhere .
In social situations , I 'm told , he can be strangely businesslike , steering the conversation to a single subject and then probing for information , rather than engaging in anything resembling small talk or banter .
There is an ability to connect fast with like-minded people , share and chew . And gather conviction if need.on ideas , banter , advise , yell at dumb ideas . Be .
We talked about football , music , the state of the country . It was good , happy banter . It was the chat that goes on every night , in hundreds of pubs across the country when new people start getting to know each other .
During their work at goldman sachs , they say , the women received unwelcome sexual advances , they were ostracized , overheard inappropriate sexual banter , were not invited to male outings , and were passed up for promotions and bonuses that their male equals received .