- 我们该讨论些什么呢?
- What should we talk about ?
- 和你喜欢的人说说话。
- Talk to someone you like .
- 重新谈论下性生活。
- Have a new sex talk .
- 她不愿谈论自己的目标。
- She will not discuss her goals .
- 有些性工作者会很开放地谈论自己的工作。
- Some sex workers openly discuss their work .
- 即使在好朋友之间我们也不谈论钱。
- We don 't discuss money even among the best friends .
- 他们都说什么语言?
- What languages do they speak ?
- 他们会说多种语言。
- They speak lots of languages .
- 她能流利地说英语。
- She can speak english fluently .
- 他用游戏内置的聊天程序写道。
- He wrote through an in-game chat program .
- 当和别人进行即时通讯时,一定要问一下现在是否是交谈的好时机。
- When instant-messaging , always ask if now is a good time to chat .
- 你要去莫斯科,想和当地人一起喝一杯卡布奇诺并且交谈一番吗?
- Visiting moscow and looking to meet up with a local for cappuccino and a chat ?
- 平易近人且坦诚地接受对话。
- Be approachable and open to conversation .
- 我要怎样才能加入那个对话呢?
- How will I approach that conversation ?
- 一个警察听着我们的对话。
- Listening to our conversation was a policeman .
- 选举演讲是不一样的,当然,因为你必须表示你是不一样的。
- The electoral discourse is different , of course , because you have to signal that you are different .
- 在英国反恐战争不仅剥夺了我们的公民自由也毒化了我们的种族言论。
- In britain the war on terror has not only curtailed our civil liberties but poisoned our racial discourse .
- 但这正是美国的政治言论渗透出的结果,特别是在电视电台广播上,暴力浪潮的背后是极端排除异己论在作祟。
- And it 's the saturation of our political discourse - and especially our airwaves - with eliminationist rhetoric that lies behind the rising tide of violence .
- 当前tam计划与lan合并,lan是一家智利私有航空公司,长期以来在其开放自由的国内市场为拉美地区设定效率标准。
- Now tam is planning to merge with lan , a privatised chilean airline which has long set the regional standard for efficiency in its open , liberalised home market .
- 罗拉穆拉特萨博:感谢你今天与我们在一起谭女士。
- Rola murat saab : thank you ms. tam for being with us today .
- 街日表示,lan和tam家航空公司的行看起非常合匹配,只有百分之三的重。
- The networks of lan and tam appear to fit well together , which just a 3 % overlap , says the wall street journal .