- 这些都是创新、调动资源、建立有效组织,启动新公司所需的领导能力精华。
- These are quintessential leadership skills needed to innovate mobilize resources build effective organizations and launch new firms .
- 过去几年工人抗议活动的时机已经成熟,但工人已经丧失了快速调动起来的能力。
- Conditions have been ripe for labor protest the past few years . But labor has lost the capacity to mobilize effectively .
- 在这种氛围下,日本年轻的政治家说,很难调动起年轻一代对政治活动的兴趣。
- In such an atmosphere , young politicians say it is hard to mobilize their generation to get interested in politics .
- 心脏病可就没有引起这么大的关注了。
- Heart disease does not arouse the same passion .
- 但是,在互联网盛行的今天,掩盖事实会激起民众的怀疑并产生相反的结果。
- But in the age of the internet , coverups arouse instant suspicion and are counter-productive .
- 有很多方法可以激起一个女性的兴奋,不过毫无疑问从心理上让她性奋同时也会让她生理上性奋。
- There are many ways to arouse a woman , but there 's no doubt that arousing her mind will get her body going .
- 财富转移为什么是必要的呢?
- Why is wealth transfer necessary ?
- 西方的衰落加速了权力的转移。
- Western decline is accelerating the transfer of power .
- 网盘允许使用者上载和传输容量很大的文件。
- Megaupload allowed users to upload and transfer very large files .
- 那些折纸动物一动不动。
- The paper animals did not move .
- 我们都清楚无法为了靠近彼此而搬家。
- We both knew we couldn 't move close .
- 地球的磁极是移动的。
- The earth 's magnetic poles move .