- 法国造币厂发行了2欧元的硬币,硬币上印有戴高乐站在bbc话筒前的肖像。
- The french mint has issued a 2 coin with an image of de gaulle at the bbc microphone .
- 不知为什么,我的双手仍握着无线麦克风。
- Somehow I still gripped my wireless microphone with both hands .
- 多么奇怪的设备,类似于一个大的麦克风?
- What a strange device , similar to a big microphone ?
- 但他记得有一次,一位同事带着一副金丝边眼镜站在发射机旁被灼伤了。
- But once , he remembered , a colleague stood next to a transmitter wearing wire-rimmed glasses and got burned .
- 它有一个发送器通过导线外接于电表,并将信息传输至无线数字显示器,这个显示器可以放在厨房、起居室或者其他任何地方。
- A small transmitter attaches to the cables coming out of the electricity meter and relays information to a wireless digital display that can be placed in the kitchen , living room or anywhere else .
- 项目技术挑战在于任何时候都可能出错:为gps发送器充电并且与网站相连将极具挑战。
- It is a technically challenging project and things may go wrong along the way - powering the gps transmitter and linking that to this website has been challenging .