英音  [ˌʌndə'rəʊt]    
美音 [ˌʌndər'roʊt]    


v.在(保险单,尤指船舶保险单)下方签署并承担责任(承保损失或损坏之责)( underwrite的过去式 );给…保险;(按商定的价格)认购(某公司)的全部剩余证券;包销(证券)

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Another vendor underwrote nagin family holidays in hawaii and jamaica after the mayor allowed the firm to collect millions in no-bid technology work .
Cancelling the insurance it underwrote would cause another wave of writedowns , further reduce lending and spread the crisis deeper and further .
But the slump in commodity markets and prices has blown a hole in record company profits that underwrote much of the boom .
The united states government , which has called the plant " aging and dangerous , " underwrote a study that urged construction of a new one .
At the time we underwrote the transaction , we [ assumed ] a 6 per cent erosion . And the last time I checked , 19 per cent erosion is bigger than six .
After the financial crisis struck , bold political choices to shore up banks and embrace stimulus staved off a depression and underwrote the recovery .
The european institutions that underwrote the shift to democracy of spain , portugal and greece now threaten to become a straitjacket on their prosperity .
It was the taxpayer who decontaminated the land , paid for the transport infrastructure , and underwrote the new developments .
The fact that the nao uncovered nearly 5 trillion yuan in lgfv loans , which the local government directly or indirectly underwrote , suggests that local governments in many cases have not complied with cbrc regulations forbidding direct governmental guarantees of lgfv loans .
Morgan stanley underwrote the ipo of linkedin corp.in may 2011 .