- 方法也应该很容易解读,特别是如果你以清单1中的java实现为参考的话。
- Methods should be easy to decipher , especially if you refer to the java implementation in listing 1 .
- 没有数学,不再要眯眼看精美的印刷字,试着去破译这些没有元音的句子。
- No math , no more squinting at the fine print and trying to decipher those words with no vowels .
- 开始我以为它被赐给我是来解读难以控制的野心的愚蠢。
- At first I thought that it had been given to me to decipher the foolishness of uncontrollable ambition .
- 然而奇怪的是,日记中对他所破译的内容却是只字未提,但仍然处处可见布莱克因为自己的发现而产生的不安和畏怯。
- The diary is strangely reticent about what blake deciphered , but he was patently awed and disconcerted by his results .
- 圣经不是用难以破译的密码写的,不需要神秘的公式去解密。
- The bible was not written in an unintelligible code to be deciphered by some magical formula .
- 在公开密钥密码系统中,用明匙加密的普通文本只能由同一对钥匙中的秘密密钥解密。
- In a public-key cryptosystem , plaintext encrypted with the public key can only be deciphered with the private key from the same pair .