- 如果你有意舞文弄墨(而只有圣徒才知道为什么你会有此意),你就得拥有知识、技艺和魔力对文字音乐性的知识,藏技艺于无形的技艺以及热爱自己读者的魔力。
- Should you care to write ( and only the saints know why you should ) , you must have knowledge , art and magic -- the knowledge of the music of words , the art of being artless , and the magic of loving your readers .
- 如若有意作文(只有圣人才知道你此举的目的),你须汲取知识,艺术以及音乐的营养,推及更广,那便是听懂音乐的语言,了解艺术之为艺术的真谛,还要具有一种热爱读者的神力。
- Should you care to write ( and only the saints know why you should ) you must needs have knowledge and art and music -- the knowledge of the music of words , the art of being artless , and the magic of loving your readers .
- 学校应加强对学生国防安全,参军入伍等相关知识的培训,提高大学思想政治知识水平,增强他们的爱国爱军意识.关键词:大学生;参军;认知;意愿。
- More training about the military-related knowledge of national security and enlistment on the university students should be provided in school , ideological and political knowledge and the consciousness of patriotic aijun should be hanced . Key words : university students ; enlistment ; cognition ; will .