- 这是某人的出生证明。
- This is someone 's birth certificate .
- 他的出生证明显示他是总统奥巴马的同父兄弟。
- His birth certificate shows he is barack obama 's half brother .
- 奥巴马的总统竞选班子2008年公布了一份短格式的出生证书。
- Mr. obama 's presidential campaign released a short-form certificate of birth in 2008 .
- 迄今为止迹象是混杂的。
- The evidence so far is mixed .
- 根茨科又寻找其它证据。
- Gentzkow looked for other evidence .
- 现有的证据相当令人信服。
- The evidence is pretty compelling .
- 我应该给他寄张卡片吗?
- Should I send him a card ?
- 一些卡片制造商已经感到手头拮据。
- Some card manufacturers are feeling the pinch .
- 每张卡片都夹带着钱。
- Every single card contained money .
- 因为许多雇员正在网络上建立个人品牌,他们需要证明自己的成就。
- Because many employees are building their brand online , they require proof of their accomplishments . "
- 有什么证据显示教授已经死了吗?
- What proof is there that the professor is dead ?
- 仅此就可以足够的证明。
- This alone is more than enough proof .
- 拜登先生的说法很难得到证实。
- Baydan 's claims are hard to verify .
- 这类报道很难加以核实。
- Such reports are difficult to verify .
- 你并不能核实他们的灵魂是同一个。
- You cannot verify their soul is the same .
- 不过,这也是信心的表明。
- But it does demonstrate confidence .
- 采取行动去证明你所听到的。
- Take action to demonstrate that you 've heard .
- 我们可以通过一个小游戏来证明这一点。
- We can demonstrate this with a little game .
- 当前的危机会平稳过去的。
- This immediate crisis may well pass .
- 不是所有的国家都能通过。
- Not all countries will pass .
- 这一年龄段与专家们建议开始把财产传给下一代的时间大致相同。
- These ages roughly coincide with the time when experts advocate beginning to pass money to succeeding generations .
- 哪个才是唯一正确的许可证?
- What is the one true license ?
- 公司的许可证必须每年一审。
- The company 's license must be reviewed annually .
- 这种许可具有约束力,但却并不严苛。
- The license is binding , but not heavy handed .