- 埃及官员已经表达了尴尬的抱歉。
- Egyptian officials have voiced embarrassed regret .
- 我很惊讶,也感到尴尬。
- I was surprised and embarrassed .
- 值得疑惑的是为什么日本社会不为他们首相的行为感到难堪。
- It puzzles us why japanese society is not embarrassed by its prime minister .
- 这将是一个尴尬的配对。
- This would be an awkward pairing .
- 我们都希望给人留下好的第一印象而且不要陷入一种尴尬的谈话中。
- We all want to make a good first impression and not get stuck in an awkward conversation .
- 车慢慢地滑行停在我房子外面,接下来是一段令人尴尬的沉默。
- The car slithers to a halt outside my house and there is a moment of awkward silence .
- 内疚的表情;撤退中的敌人那惭愧、羞耻的样子埃里克林克莱特。
- A guilty look ; the hangdog and shamefaced air of the retreating enemy - eric linklater .
- 不因虚度年华而悔恨,不因碌碌无为而羞耻。
- Do not be regretful for dreaming time away and do not be shamefaced for making no achievements .
- 工资和养老金遭到拖欠,家禽因缺乏饲料而死亡,乞丐在城市街道上出现她们多为年迈的妇女,站在冰冷的地铁入口,面带羞怯,但乞讨起来十分急迫。
- Wages and pensions went unpaid , hens died from lack of feed , beggars often elderly women appeared on city streets , shamefaced but urgent in their entreaties at the freezing metro entrances .