- 诱你入厂后,要你交纳什么报名费、手续费、生活预支费、押金、暂住费等等,巧立名目骗取。
- After luring you to enter a plant , want you to hand in what cost signing up , poundage , life to advance cost , cash pledge , shack cost is waited a moment , diddle of concoct various pretexts .
- 摩尔回顾了他在科技界的充实生活,他的创业精神,他的好运,钓深海旗鱼的经历,还有他的慈善事业,以及参加比尔•盖茨与沃伦•巴菲特发起的“捐赠誓言”活动(TheGivingPledge,即所有超级富豪同意捐赠一半财产)的经过。
- Moore reflected on a life well-lived in science , entrepreneurship , serendipity , fishing for deep-sea marlin , and philanthropy , and on joining bill gates and warren buffett 's the giving pledge ( in which the super-wealthy agree to give away half their wealth ) .
- 诱你入厂后,要你交纳什么报名费、手续费、生活预支费、押金、暂住费等等,巧立名目骗取。
- After luring you to enter a plant , want you to hand in what cost signing up , poundage , life to advance cost , cash pledge , shack cost is waited a moment , diddle of concoct various pretexts .
- 她没有发表任何评论。
- She offered no further comment .
- 她开始约会其他人。
- She began seeing someone else .
- 她没有得到任何赔偿。
- She has received no compensation .