- 63岁的薄先生,对于在下届领导层中起关键作用,曾经期盼已久。
- Mr bo , who is 63 , had long hoped to play a pivotal role in the next leadership .
- 与此形成鲜明对比的是2008年,在重庆大规模的出租车罢工时薄进行更多的干预。
- By contrast , during a large-scale taxi strike in chongqing in 2008 , mr bo was more interventionist .
- 他们也没有解释为什么薄曾经的得力助手王×军会在2月6日逃到美国领事馆。
- Neither have they said why mr bo 's one-time right-hand man , wang lijun , fled to an american consulate on february 6th .