- 高能量的中微子也许能帮助解答谜题。
- High-energy neutrinos could provide the answer .
- 下面的图会解答你的疑问。
- The graph below will answer those questions .
- 这个问题要留给最高法院来解答了。
- That is for the court to answer .
- 汽车销售是另一个重要指标。
- Vehicle sales are another key indicator .
- 其中有两个重要的发现。
- There were two key findings .
- 朱蒂.史密斯喜欢钥匙环。
- Judy smith likes the key ring .
- 尽量使用图片来进行说明。
- Consider using pictures to explain ideas .
- 但是,这不能说明一切。
- But this cannot explain everything .
- 奥巴马必须清楚地说明这一点。
- The president must explain this plainly .