- 每年十一月第三个星期四,法国博若莱新酒的解禁日。
- Every third thursday in november is the day lift the ban on beaujolais nouveau .
- 如果欧盟委员会和欧洲联盟的会员国认为法国的论据是无效的,法国将有可能收到解除禁令的命令;它便可以提出上诉。
- If the commission and european union member states deemed france 's arguments invalid , france would probably receive an order to lift its ban , a decision it could then appeal .
- 为解除进口禁令,美国已经准备了数月时间。
- The u.s. has prepared to lift the import ban for months .
- 有时候一些“空降”职员发现他们如今从事的行业正是他们之前负责监管的的,于是他们常常阻碍该行业的一些改革,如撤销管制规定和削减津贴。
- Sometimes , the heaven-sent pencil-pushers find themselves working in the very industries they previously regulated-where they tend to hold back reforms like deregulation and the cutting of subsidies .
- 撤销管制规定的反对者们提出了两点意见。
- Opponents of deregulation in japan make two arguments .
- 即使这样,土耳其政府也仍旧需要更严肃地对待撤销管制规定问题和结构改革问题。
- Even so the government needs to get more serious about deregulation and structural reform .