- 我的面前摆着下一个谜题要去解答。
- I had the next mystery to solve .
- 生气不能解决任何问题。
- It does not solve anything .
- 如何解决失眠的问题?
- How to solve insomnious problem ?
- 尽量使用图片来进行说明。
- Consider using pictures to explain ideas .
- 但是,这不能说明一切。
- But this cannot explain everything .
- 奥巴马必须清楚地说明这一点。
- The president must explain this plainly .
- 我真搞不懂你们女人。
- I don 't understand you women .
- 别流眼泪你懂的。
- Not to tears , you understand .
- 他们了解当地的商业文化。
- They understand the local business culture .
- 他把一个鞋子递给爸爸,说,“替我把鞋带解开!”
- He handed one of the shoes to his father : " untie it ! "
- “请解下鞋带”,孩子同之前一样仍然语调平平地说。
- ' Please untie my shoe , ' says the child in an identical tone as before .
- 湖上嶙峋的树枝常常缠住渔网,他们把精疲力尽,惊恐万分的孩子扔进湖里去解开缠住的网。
- The skeletal tree limbs , submerged in lake volta , often catch the fishing nets . And wary frightened children are thrown into the water to untie the lines .