- 谁将支付这笔修理费用呢?
- Who will foot the repair bill ?
- 点击virtualbox并选择修复。
- Click virtualbox and choose repair .
- 托尼查找到了这个地址,原来是一家汽车修理店。
- Tony locates the address as a repair garage .
- 它同时也能提供收入。
- They also supply an income .
- 第二个挑战是供给。
- The second challenge is supply .
- 但需求并不会动手创造供给。
- But demand does not create supply .
- 这个想法有一定道理,但该地区真的在好转么?
- The idea has some merit , but is the region really on the mend ?
- 政策措施必须修补长链中这个破裂的一环。
- Policy actions need to mend this broken link in the chain .
- 修补失业保险制度缺陷的几项举措正在进行中。
- Several moves are afoot to mend the flaws in the ui system .
- 每次孩子铺完自己的床后就让他把一个补丁涂成彩色。
- Each time your child makes her bed , let her color a patch .
- 火狐浏览器,宣称是最安全的浏览器,也需要持续地打补丁。
- Firefox browser , marketed as the most secure , has to patch the code continuously .
- 如果足球协会和社会网络能够变成一个名不副实的国家,谁还会需要一块沙滩呢?
- If football authorities and social networks can turn into states of sorts , who needs a patch of sand ?
- 了解自己的风格,可以协助确定自己的策略。”
- Knowing your own style will help determine your strategy . "
- Siri:我可以帮你什么吗?
- Siri : what can I help you with ?
- 其实援助通常就在不远处。
- Help is usually not far away .
- 有成效地利用时间。
- Use your time productively .
- 用艺术作为灵感的来源。
- Use art as your inspiration .
- 在机构中如何利用设计师?
- How do organisations use designers ?
- 但亚洲的增长仍无法弥补本土市场的失败。
- Growth in asia cannot make up for flops at home .
- 依传统,加沙地带的谷物将弥补这一缺口。
- By tradition crops from gaza make up the shortfall .
- 不断上升的需求侵蚀了用以弥补石油短缺的后备产能。
- Rising demand has eaten into the spare capacity available to make up any shortfalls .
- 这场能源繁荣填满了该州的金库。
- The boom has helped fill state coffers .
- 地方性政党填补了这个空缺。
- Regional parties fill the gap .
- 在那里填充您的信息。
- Fill in the information there .