- 女人们的服装总是很艳丽。
- Women 's clothes are always bright .
- 你对服装有很好的鉴赏力。
- Eg. you have excellent taste in clothes .
- 带些比较容易保养的衣服。
- Bring low maintenance clothes .
- 穿上衣服能保护皮肤。
- Wear clothing to protect exposed skin .
- 他还需要一些冬天的衣服。
- He still needs some winter clothing .
- 她和布赖恩走进一家服装店。
- She and brian go into a clothing store .
- 当你和孩子们一起做糖果时用上糖果涂层会很好。
- Confectionery coating is great to use when you 're making candies with kids .
- 研究者用机器人潜水艇发现原油覆盖了脆弱的深海珊瑚植被生态系统。
- Researchers using robot subs are finding oil coating fragile deepwater coral ecosystems .
- 而这种新技术的基本构想就是在金属覆盖层中加入微小并且充满液体的胶囊。
- The basic idea of the new technology is to infiltrate this coating with tiny , fluid-filled capsules .
- 这件衣服的设计灵感源自蝙蝠的回声定位系统。
- The inspiration for the garment is the bat 's echolocation system .
- 但是孟加拉国的服装行业正在蒸蒸日上。
- Yet bangladesh 's garment exports are booming .
- 将道德视作最好的衣服穿在身上的人,不如赤裸着。
- He who wears his morality but as his best garment were better naked .