- 但一旦她们发现笑话的妙处所在,则能从中得到更多的乐趣。
- When a joke does hit the right note , however , they derive more pleasure from it .
- 我们的价值应该以我们产品的质量和投资者从中得到的价值来衡量。
- We should be judged by the quality of our products and the value investors derive from them .
- 这并非从单一市场的逻辑衍生而来,而是来自于保证宏观审慎的稳定性的需要。
- This does not derive from the logic of a single market , but from a need to preserve macroprudential stability .
- 而干细胞则是来自胚胎中的“ur”干细胞。
- That includes the stem cells themselves which derive from ur stem cells found in embryos .
- 答案之一是间接的好处,投资者从处理全球变暖的经济风险中得到好处。
- One answer is the indirect benefit that investors derive from addressing the economic risks of global warming .
- 这只是我们能从手上获得的一小部分信息。
- These are just a few of the messages we derive from the hands .
- 肝素可以从猪肠中提取而来。
- Heparin is derived from pig intestines .
- 简报的核心内容衍生自此数据。
- The key insight of the presentation is derived from this data .
- 但这个数据库除了衍生功能外,并没有音频。
- The dataset does not include any audio , only the derived features .