- 美狄亚是古希腊悲剧诗人欧里庇得斯笔下一个感情热烈、嫉恶如仇、敢爱敢恨、有勇有谋的女性形象。
- In ancient greece tragedy poet euripides 's style of writing , medea is a typical female character full of ardency , having an abhorrence of evil . She dares to love and dares to hate , and has both valor and strategy .
- 美狄亚是古希腊悲剧诗人欧里庇得斯笔下一个感情热烈、嫉恶如仇、敢爱敢恨、有勇有谋的女性形象。
- In ancient greece tragedy poet euripides 's style of writing , medea is a typical female character full of ardency , having an abhorrence of evil . She dares to love and dares to hate , and has both valor and strategy .
- 古希腊的修辞学家朗吉驽斯把崇高归结为一种文体风格.
- Longinus , a rhetorician of ancient greece , describes sublimity as a style of writing .