- 但是里根的支持率在两个月后约翰欣克利试图刺杀他之后立刻暴涨到了百分之六十七。
- But just two months later , reagan 's approval jumped to 67 percent after john hinckley tried to assassinate him .
- 沙特阿拉伯声称利比亚曾密谋刺杀当时身为王储的阿卜杜拉,两国因之交恶,报纸批评起卡扎菲上校就驾轻就熟了。
- The bad blood between saudi arabia and libya over an alleged plot to assassinate the then crown prince abdullah makes criticism of colonel qaddafi easier .
- 影片中的爱国学生就是在这栋有着近一个世纪历史的红砖建筑和钟塔中计谋刺杀一名汉奸的。
- The nearly century-old red-brick structure and clocktower are where the film 's patriotic students hatch their plan to assassinate a japanese-allied chinese spy .