- 丽贝卡很大方地把自己的订婚戒指给了那对新婚夫妇,但是他们因此可以得到9000美元的机率是多少呢?
- It was generous of rebecca to give her engagement ring to the newlyweds , but what were the odds of them getting $ 9000 for it ?
- 在职业女性这个词语出现之前,桃乐茜汤普森和丽贝卡威斯特早就是了。
- Dorothy thompson and rebecca west were career women long before the term had been invented .
- 丽贝卡弗雷泽是这里的老师,她说她已经已经将她的食物账单削减了一半,因为她自己种、保存以及大批量地从本地农民那里购买食物。
- Rebecca frazier , a teacher here , said she had cut her food bill in half by growing her own and preserving and by buying in bulk from local farmers .