- 放只青蛙在喉咙里?
- A frog in the throat ?
- 另一些人认为这是青蛙设计的巨变。
- Others considered it an enormous coup for frog .
- 当初,怀疑论如同蛙汤的香味逐渐消失。
- At first , skepticism lingered like the aroma of frog soup .
- 再举一个普通蟾蜍的例子。
- Thenthere is the example of the common toad .
- 但是癞蛤蟆一点也不吵。
- But toad was not at all noisy .
- 癞蛤蟆绝食了几星期。
- For weeks toad refused to eat .
- 他们的工作对我们大家即重要又是必要的。
- Their yob is and us all .
- 我们在这个国家看到的是恶少文化的蔓延。
- What we are witnessing in this country is the spread of yob culture .