- 床虱是一种红棕色小昆虫,上一次大规模出现已是在第二次世界大战之前,如今卷土重来。
- Louse bed is a red-brown insects , the emergence of a large-scale before the second world war is now back .
- 看哪,它爸,”公主说,“正在妈妈发现人的头发虱。
- Look , father , " said the princess , " at the louse mother found in my hair .
- 它可能会把你的离婚申请搞砸。
- It could louse up your divorce petition .
- 建议咨询自然景观方面的专家,请他们把蜱虫治理的理念与你的设计方案结合起来。
- Consider consulting a specialist on natural landscapes and ask them to incorporate tick management concepts into your design .
- 滴答,滴答,日子就像节拍器那样一刻不停:七月,八月,九月……
- Tick , tick , steady as a metronome : july , august , september ......
- 蜱虫防治措施已经包含在害虫和野生动植物管理指南(nofa有机地保护标准)中。
- Tick ipm practices are covered under pest and wildlife management guidelines ( nofa standards for organic care ) .