- 枫叶上生长出一个蘑菇的菌伞。
- Maple leaves frame a fly agaric mushroom .
- 他嫌木耳偷得少,又向主人要木耳。
- He disrelishs agaric poach little , want agaric to host again .
- 银耳、天然黑木耳、野生香菇、笋干等土特产。
- Native products : tremella , natural blace agaric , wild mushroom , dried bamboo shoot etc.
- 我对这一切感到担心。
- I worry about all this .
- 现在我很少担心什么了。
- I hardly ever worry now .
- 欧洲有理由感到担忧。
- Europe has reason to worry .