
n.完美主义者( perfectionist的名词复数 )
perfectionists 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Remember the real world doesn 't reward perfectionists ; it rewards people who get things done .
- 记住,真正的世界不会奖赏完美主义者,它会奖赏那些做成事情的人。
- Other perfectionists might hold off on asking for help altogether , because they don 't want to let on that there 's anything wrong , or that they 're imperfect in some way .
- 其他的完美主义者可能总是不停的推迟寻求帮助,因为他们不想被人知道有什么错误的地方,或者他们在某些方面并不完美。
- While the existence of " positive perfectionists " is still debated , there 's no doubt the trait can be quite counterproductive in some cases .
- 虽然“积极的完美主义者”仍会争论,但毫无疑问的是这一品质在某些情况下肯定会起到相反的作用。
- The real world doesn 't reward perfectionists , it rewards people who get things done .
- 现实世界不偏爱完美主义者,它只回报那些最终能够完成任务的人。
- Remember , the real world doesn 't reward perfectionists ; it rewards people who get things done .
- 记住,现实世界不会奖励完美主义者;现实世界奖励的是那些完成事情的人
- The avoiders - those who avoid completing tasks for fear of failure or success and who are especially worried about what others think of them . Perfectionists fall into this category ( this is me )
- 逃避者:由于对失败和成功的害怕或者是害怕别人对自己的想法,而去逃避完成任务。十全十美者属于这一类(我也是这类)
- Researchers think that firstborns are more likely to develop " type a " personalities , and aggressive perfectionists tend to be unlucky in the heart attack sweepstakes .
- 研究者认为头胎生的孩子更有可能发展为a型人格,这种咄咄逼人的完美主义者在心脏病的袭击中往往很不幸。
- Poor health could also be the result of perfectionists leaving little time to care for themselves , while spending every minute striving for perfection , sirois said .
- sirois说:因为没有太多的时间关心自己,所以完美主义者的健康状况不好,他们把每一分钟都花在追求完美上了。
- In a world filled with perfectionists who don 't want to share what they 've created with anyone unless they think it is perfect , the best way to get better is actually with hands-on practice .
- 完美主义者不愿意和别人分享自己觉得不完美的作品,而在这样一个充斥着完美主义者的世界里,让事情变好的最好的办法就是实实在在地亲手实践。
- Prof piers steel , a canadian academic who has spent more than 10 years studying why people put off until tomorrow what they could do today , believes that the notion that procrastinators are either perfectionists or just lazy is wrong .
- 加拿大学者皮特斯蒂教授耗费十多年时间研究人们为何要把今天能做的事拖延到明天,他认为,拖拉者要么是完美主义者要么仅仅是懒惰的观点是错误的。