- 在巴西中部马托格罗索州的亚马逊森林,在连续遭到14年的砍伐后,形成了一块块米色的矩形。
- Cleared amazon forest in the central brazil state of mato grosso shows up as beige rectangles over the span of fourteen years .
- 米黄色的墙壁上,黑色的水迹蜿蜒而下,形如日本水墨画中的柳枝。
- Dark water stains trail down warm beige walls like representations of weeping willow branches in japanese ink paintings .
- 硬件g就好像是加蓬,而软件g就好像是乔治,并且会出现像胭脂红和米黄色的怪异外国单词。
- Hard g like in gabon , soft g like in george , and then there 's the weird foreign words like rouge and beige .
- 在巴基斯坦的马克兰沙漠和近海地区有许多泥火山。
- Pakistan has a number of mud volcanoes in the makran desert and offshore .
- 我还翻越过围墙,并且在粘住鞋子的泥浆里艰难跋涉。
- I climbed over fences and trudged through mud that stuck to my shoes .
- 我能看见它毛发上结成块的泥浆,闻起来让人恶心。
- I can see the mud caking each tuft of fur , smell its nauseating breath .