- 核物理学的强子物理与相对论性问题。
- Ix hadron physics and vii relativistic aspects of .
- 好了,我一直在想加入她们。
- Weii , aimost . And someday I 'm gonna be a ix chick .
- 像莫干丞一类的人,只配在乡下收租讨账;
- People like mo kan-cheng , for instance , were not fit to ix anything more than rent and debt collectors in a country town .
- ie的定制google插件所提供的大多数功能都十分有用。
- Most of what customize google for ie offers is pretty helpful .
- 兼容性是围绕着ie8的最热门的一个话题。
- Compatibility is one of the most heated topics surrounding ie 8 .
- 主页资讯是将网页内容直接整合到ie8浏览器的一种简单方法。
- Web slices are a simple way for websites to integrate content directly into the ie 8 browser .