- 这并不是贬低波特兰模式,波特兰是一个先进的并着眼于未来的地方。
- That is not to belittle portland 's vision . It is a sophisticated and forward-looking place .
- 我不允许人们侮辱或轻视我。
- I don 't allow people to insult or belittle me .
- 无论你怎么看待马克思,你都不可能贬低他在我们的世界中所发挥的作用。
- Whatever one may think about marx one must not belittle the role he plays in our world .
- 一位阿曼商人不无鄙视地对我说。
- An omani businessman told me with disdain .
- 传统的保守主义鄙视民粹主义,尊重知识。
- Traditional conservatives disdain populism and respect knowledge .
- 他对金融城作风的蔑视也延伸到其商业生活的许多其它方面。
- His disdain for city types extends to many other aspects of business life .
- 两个手臂的轻微动作强化了她沙漏型身材的完美造型。
- The slight movement in both her arms emphasizes the perfect shape of her hourglass figure .
- 一个细微的斜角被用来清楚的分隔按钮。
- A slight bevel is used to cleanly separate the buttons .
- 她对脉冲的细微的改动补偿了她窃听所引起的干扰。
- Her slight tweaks have compensated for the disturbances she creates .
- 两位候选者都谴责这次诽谤。
- Both condemned the smear campaign .
- 批评运动的人必须面对的恶毒的诽谤。
- People who criticise the movement can face nasty smear campaigns .
- 通过血涂片可以诊断红细胞形态或大小方面的异常,及是否有红细胞寄生虫。
- A blood smear should be evaluated for abnormalities in rbc morphology or size and for rbc parasites .
- 不什么事儿都没发生。
- No nothing has happened .
- 今天他已无事可做。
- Today there is nothing to do .
- 小说中没发生啥大事。
- Nothing much happens in the novel .
- 难道就没人能隐忍得了?
- Can none of them resist ?
- 女的什么也没回应。
- The woman answered none of that .
- 但是如果什么也没发生呢?
- But what if none of that happens ?
- 在世的人中你最鄙视谁?
- Which living person do you most despise ?
- 他们害怕并且鄙视男性化。
- They fear and despise the masculine .
- 读者决不能嘲笑或者轻视这个国家的使节。
- The reader is not invited to mock or despise these envoys of the state .