- 不时飞来的习习微风,似乎是上苍在远处为你摇着蒲扇。
- A breeze would come to you from time to time as if the god was shaking a cattail leaf fan in the distance .
- 香蒲、水草、穗赶往蒲建立和各种自然的湿地.
- Cattail , water grass , spike rush and various sedges established naturally in the wetlands .
- 位于蒲城县保南乡山西村六组,它是泰陵唯一的一座陪葬墓。
- Be located in cattail city county to protect south countryside shanxi village 6 groups , it is grave of tai ling 's exclusive a be buried with the dead .
- 香港铁路博物馆是一所露天博物馆,位于大埔墟市镇中心。
- This open-air museum is in the town centre of tai po market .
- 近年来,在米埔停留的鹰的数量逐年稳步增长,现在大约是60000只。
- In recent years the annual number of waders stopping at mai po has steadily increased , to around 60000 .
- 确认销售合同及订单。
- Confirming sales contract and po .