- 军队通常驻扎在兵营里。
- Armies mostly stay in their barracks .
- 有人看见几个新兵从兵营里逃走了。
- Eg. several conscripts were seen to scuttle off barracks .
- 数百名准军事部队军人回到他们在达卡的兵营。
- Hundreds of paramilitary soldiers have returned to their barracks in dhaka .
- 与此同时,唐人街的基本生活条件总的来说由于17街区的重新开发而得到了改善,包括新的住处,一个100个床位的中等规模的护理院,许多套的社会和市场的住房。
- Meanwhile the quality of life in chinatown in general has been enhanced by the redevelopment of block 17 which includes new quarters for success , a 100-bed intermediate care facility and hundreds of units of social and market housing .
- 诺亚陪我一同朝罗丝的住处走去。
- Noah walked with me toward rose 's quarters .
- 这里是你们的住处.战争见真情.
- This is your quarters . Friendship put on a nice war .
- 那大概是这个小队伍的最后一个帐篷。
- That camp would be the group 's last .
- 他们在大街上的行为就跟上周袭击挪威游客露营地的一头北极熊差不多。
- Their behaviour on the streets resembled that of the polar bear which attacked a norwegian tourist camp last week .
- 我坚决地站在后一个阵营里。
- I am decidedly in the latter camp .