- 他可以仅仅召集起支持者联盟,推进美国的利益。
- He could simply assemble coalitions of the willing to advance us interests .
- 蓄意阻挠的员工被解雇,聚集成群的工人们被粗暴驱散。
- Obstructionist shop stewards are sacked and workers who assemble in groups are violently dispersed .
- 今天,大多数股票都由能够组装一个多元化的投资组合的机构投资者拥有。
- Today most equities are owned by institutional investors who can assemble a diversified portfolio .
- 隋唐时期相对频繁的中外贸易产生了诸多的贸易纠纷,这些贸易纠纷不仅存在于通使往来的朝贡贸易中,也存在于边境贸易和海外贸易中。
- In times of the sui and the tang dynasty , relatively frequent foreign trade caused numerous trade conflicts not only in tribute trade but also in border trade and overseas trade .
- 大运河是在隋朝开始修建的。
- The grand canal began to build in the sui dynasty .
- 麦杆画是我国早已失传的隋唐宫廷工艺品。
- The wheat skeleton picture is a palace handicraft of already lost sui and tang dynasties of our country .