- 这组照片里的模特戴的是一副假指甲,你可以再药店里买到,价格两幅不超过7美元。
- The model in this set of photos is wearing glue-on fingernails that you can purchase at any drugstore for under $ 7.00 for two sets of nails .
- 在医院里,患者不常与药剂师接触,除非当你需要去药房开药。
- In hospitals , patients don 't usually have contact with the pharmacists like you would if you were going to the drugstore .
- 他们最近挑选的一些最优股包括药店运营商cvscaremark,自该基金买进这支股票以来,其股价已上涨26%。
- Some of the best recent picks include cvs caremark , the drugstore group , which is up 26 per cent since the fund bought in .