Many popular areas lack basic medical care , let alone easy access to a local drugstore .
So jack deposits a urine sample in a small jar and takes it to the drugstore .
You go to the drugstore for ibuprofen and antacids , not condoms and pregnancy test kits .
Of course , judging by the number of women ( and men ) sniffing shampoo in the personal-care aisle of the drugstore , fragrance is a big part of the shampoo equation .
Before you rush to the drugstore to buy an over-the-counter ( otc ) sleep medication , try one of the following natural sleep remedies .
Mr lau 's father was a successful merchant and entrepreneur , with interests that included a drugstore , a rice business , a school and even a duck farm that shipped dried duck meat to the us .
According to a study conducted by buzzback market research , beauty products - even the drugstore kind - are a more satisfying purchase than a chic new addition to your wardrobe .