- 这些儿童会被教室的吵闹声搞得精疲力尽,也会被萤光灯发出的吱嗡声所打扰。
- Such kids may become exhausted by classroom noise or be distracted or disturbed by the flicker and buzz of fluorescent light .
- 结论:地塞米松磷酸钠眼液应在避光条件下保存。
- Conclusion : dexamethasone sodium phosphate ophthalmic solution preferably stores in the tight , light-resistant container under natural light and fluorescent light .
- 杜安哈兰得在荧光灯下,放大10倍后拍摄了这只犬栉首蚤(即ctenocephalidescanis),在本次比赛中荣获第九名。
- Duane harland captured this dog flea , or ctenocephalides canis , with fluorescent light at ten-power magnification , winning ninth place in the 2010 small world microphotography competition .
- 用结实的荧光灯代替白炽灯泡。
- Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent lights .
- 她和其他四只猎兔犬都能制造一种可以在紫外线照射下发红光的荧光蛋白质。
- She and four other beagles all produce a fluorescent protein that glows red under ultraviolet light .
- 氧化钇铕红色萤光粉末之制备。
- Synthesis of yttrium europium oxide red fluorescent powder .