- 印尼正面临着全国性的酒水供应短缺。
- Indonesia is facing a nationwide alcohol shortage .
- 另外,人才供应不足的问题也日渐突出。
- There is also a growing talent shortage .
- 一些小型项目将继续用于解决短期的电力不足的问题。
- Mini-projects will continue to be used to mitigate short-term power shortage problems .
- 如今,饥荒再次肆虐这个国家。
- Now famine again stalks the land .
- 如今饥荒有着技术上的含义。
- Famine has a technical meaning these days .
- 泽纳维总理对饥荒话题十分敏感。
- Mr zenawi is particularly sensitive about famine talk .
- 第三个遗址曾被用作反应堆废料贮存中心,现在到处是断壁残垣,成了荒地。
- A third site that was once used as a storage centre for spent reactor fuel is now a brick-strewn wasteland .
- 在米奇史诗游戏里,奥斯瓦尔德成为在米奇出生之前卡通荒原中最早的居民。
- In the epic mickey game , oswald becomes the earliest inhabitant of cartoon wasteland after mickey is created .
- 每一周,他都不会落下到荒原里去种植树苗、灌木和小草的秘密之旅。
- And every week , he made his secret journey into the wasteland and planted trees and shrubs and grass .
- 危险在这种美丽荒凉中等待着你,也许还有火星人。
- Danger awaits you on this the desolate beauty , and perhaps martians too .
- 在这荒凉的地方,她再怎样尖叫,他也不怕。
- Of her screams in that desolate region he had no fear .
- 另外,他们能看见的只是一片丑陋和荒凉的原野,是否充斥着野兽和野人?
- Besides , what could they see but a hideous and desolate wilderness , full of wilde beasts and wilde men ?
- 游牧的图阿雷格人曾手持冲锋枪和步枪骑骆驼横穿北部贫瘠区域。
- Nomadic tuareg tribesmen , carrying kalashnikov rifles , once criss-crossed the barren north on camels .
- 当欧洲人1722年到达该岛时,发现它已经相当贫瘠,几乎没有居民。
- When europeans arrived in 1722 , they found the island mostly barren and its inhabitants few .
- 如果伊朗首都的居民想远离一下这个城市令人窒息的烟雾的话,他们常会跑到山丘上去,或者是到矗立在德黑兰北边郊区的那些荒芜的山脉上。
- When residents of iran 's capital seek escape from its choking smog , they often head for the hills , or rather the barren mountains that soar above tehran 's northern suburbs .
- hegligandbamboo出产的是低质原油。
- Heglig and bamboo produce low-quality crude .
- 当下有一种方法是将简单粗糙的信息注入脑中。
- There is a way to currently inject very crude signals into the brain .
- 制作的成品很粗糙,并需花费很长时间完成。
- The results are still crude and take a long time to complete .
- 游牧的图阿雷格人曾手持冲锋枪和步枪骑骆驼横穿北部贫瘠区域。
- Nomadic tuareg tribesmen , carrying kalashnikov rifles , once criss-crossed the barren north on camels .
- 当欧洲人1722年到达该岛时,发现它已经相当贫瘠,几乎没有居民。
- When europeans arrived in 1722 , they found the island mostly barren and its inhabitants few .
- 如果伊朗首都的居民想远离一下这个城市令人窒息的烟雾的话,他们常会跑到山丘上去,或者是到矗立在德黑兰北边郊区的那些荒芜的山脉上。
- When residents of iran 's capital seek escape from its choking smog , they often head for the hills , or rather the barren mountains that soar above tehran 's northern suburbs .