- 主要原因在于,在银行业巨擎通过并购壮大起来之时,它们的it系统却是在匆忙间拼凑而成的,从未进行过整合。
- The primary reason is that , as banking behemoths have grown through acquisitions , it systems have been patched together in haste and never integrated .
- 我们每个人都拿着逃离时匆忙地从卡车上拿下来部分星期日的野餐。
- All of us carried parts of our sunday picnic lunch , grabbed in haste from the truck as we fled the storm .
- 无论是由于时间匆忙还是自身立法设计的问题,新法律界定不明,模糊不清,在执法过程中留给法院和国家行政机关人员很大的自主权。
- Whether due to haste or design , the new laws are marked by vagueness , leaving courts and officials all down the country 's bureaucratic chain great latitude in enforcing them .
- 这种担保让各方变得更加草率。
- The guarantees make everybody more careless .
- 为什么这么多评论人士如此草率呢?
- Why were so many commentators so careless ?
- 这不是因为我们疏忽大意我们非常认真地对待健康和安全问题。
- This is not because we are careless : we take health and safety seriously .
- 芬克尔的记述方式还是有其局限性的,最明显的是关于奥斯曼帝国末期动荡岁月的描写过于草率。
- The limitations of ms finkel 's approach are most apparent in her perfunctory treatment of the empire 's final , tumultuous years .
- 他说,英国大学由于资金紧缺,使得师生间的联系时间较少,对待体育和艺术课程也是敷衍的态度。
- He said cash-strapped british universities provided less contact time with lecturers and displayed only a " perfunctory interest " in sport and the arts .
- 可是我看你最好还是身子弯低点跟它敷衍一下。
- But I see you , still had better be a body curved low is perfunctory with it .
- 几乎得天花的所有人都会有明显的疹子。
- Almost everyone who got smallpox developed a distinct rash .
- 一旦有长出不明疹子的迹象时就着手治疗。
- Get treatment at the first sign of unexplained rash .
- 若你的孩子出现颈项强直或发烧起疹子,你就要去找医生帮忙。
- Call your doctor for advice if your child has neck stiffness or a rash with a fever .