- 若生食某些食物,如莴苣,洗净后方可食用。
- Certain foods eaten raw , such as lettuce , need thorough washing .
- 运输的价格是影响食品价格的一个重要因素,对于富含水的蔬菜,如直立莴苣,更是如此。
- Transportation costs also are a major factor in food prices , especially for water-heavy vegetables such as romaine lettuce .
- 既然菠菜和卷心莴苣已经被批准,现在重心应放在说服美国食品及药物管理局批准热狗和熟食肉品采用辐照杀菌。
- Now that spinach and iceberg lettuce have been approved , it is focusing on persuading the f.d.a. to permit irradiation of hot dogs and deli meats .
- 如今,全球奥运火炬传递成了令人遗憾的一幕。
- The international olympic torch relay is now a sorry sight .
- 对奥运火炬传递的抗议可能更加激起了人们对奥运会的兴趣。
- The demonstrations against the torch relay have probably intensified interest in the games .
- 如今在点燃奥运火炬的时候人们仍在使用聚焦阳光的凹面镜。
- A parabolic mirror that focuses solar rays is still used to ignite the olympic torch .
- 最佳使用琉璃苣叶子和花在它新鲜的时候,因为它们相当迅速地失去它们的味道在乾燥时。
- It is best to use the leaves and flowers of borage when fresh , as they lose their flavor quite rapidly when dried .
- 有机亚麻籽油,深海冷水鱼全身精油浓缩物(沙丁鱼,凤尾鱼),琉璃苣籽油,明胶,甘油,水和(从大豆天然维生素e)的混合生育酚。
- Organic flaxseed oil , deep sea cold-water fish body oil concentrate ( sardine , anchovy ) , borage seed oil , gelatin , glycerin , water and mixed tocopherols ( natural vitamin e from soy ) .
- 其他一些是草药成分,特色成分是人参、奶蓟草、紫草、以及仙人掌、朝鲜蓟和番石榴叶的萃取物。
- Others are herbal compounds , featuring such ingredients as ginseng , milk thistle , borage , and extracts of prickly pear , artichoke , and guava leaf .