- 他是莱茵兰庄园的园丁。
- He was the gardener at rhineland manor .
- 经济不景气产生了一种新型的园丁。
- Economic hardship has created a new breed of gardener too .
- 他在法国成为了一个热心的精湛的园丁。
- He had become an avid and accomplished gardener in france .
- 花商的儿子递给她一份礼物。
- The florist 's son handed her a gift .
- 一个忙碌的花商究竟将如何找出时间与母亲节当天预定鲜花的每个客户进行一场视频会议呢?
- How on earth would a harried florist find the time to hold a videoconference with every customer who orders flowers for mother 's day ?
- 花商特里斯在此演示如何使用玫瑰花和常春藤制作婚礼花束。
- Florist trish haunton demonstrates how to make a bridal bouquet using garden roses and berried ivy .
- 墨西哥莫雷洛斯州的花匠暴露于有机磷杀虫剂和男性激素的情况。
- Exposure to organophosphate pesticides and male hormone profile in floriculturist of the state of morelos , mexico .