- 在安菲尔德的郊区,利物浦足球俱乐部坐落的地方,一份夭折的复兴计划拆毁了满是木板封住的房屋的街道以后留下了一些新的街道,房屋庭院中野草疯长,罂粟花在角落萌芽。
- In the suburb of anfield , home to liverpool football club , an aborted regeneration scheme has bequeathed row after blighted row of boarded-up houses ; gardens are overgrown with weeds and poppies sprout on street corners .
- 在安菲尔德的郊区,利物浦足球队的主场所在地,一个失败的更新计划遗留下整排整排废弃的房子,花园里面杂草丛生,罂粟在街角长得旺盛。
- In the suburb of anfield , home to liverpool football club , an aborted regeneration scheme has bequeathed row after blighted row of boarded-up houses ; gardens are overgrown with weeds and poppies sprout on street corners .
- 一条长满野草的废弃军用公路标示出以前的边界线。
- An abandoned military road , overgrown with weeds , marked the former boundary line .
- 但是在2011年,新的蓬松发型给了这位害羞保守的金发姑娘一个尝试新鲜的性感造型的理由。
- But a shaggy new do gave the buttoned-up blonde reason to experiment with a whole new sexy wardrobe in 2011 .
- 须发蓬松的英国出版巨头、诗人、作家费利克斯丹尼斯(felixdennis)看来总是对致富和富人有着精辟之语。
- Felix dennis , the shaggy british publishing tycoon , poet and author , always seems to have wise words about getting and being rich .
- 他蓬乱的头发和天生的魅力在以中规中矩著称的自民党内刮起一阵清爽之风,令人为之一振。
- His shaggy hair and natural charisma were refreshing in a party best known for conformity .
- 不管区域交通署如何分配它的预算,现在的资金似乎是不够的。
- No matter how the rta allocates the pie , however , the current pot of money seems woefully inadequate .
- 虽然usda研究发现:在大多数案例中随着区域贸易协定达成总贸易量会有所上升;但同样也发现了一些“贸易分歧”存在的证据。
- Although the usda research found that in most cases total trade rose following an rta , it also found some evidence of " trade diversion " .
- 这或许是因为通过升级贸易网络(比如说投资分销渠道),区域贸易协定中的企业能充分地利用各方的效率,更广泛的促进贸易活动。
- It may be that by gearing up for trade ( investing in distribution networks , for example ) , firms within an rta are able to exploit efficiencies that boost trade more widely .
- “不论案例写得多么棒,与听一个曾经亲历战壕、不得不做出决策的人娓娓道来相比,根本没有可比性,”最近在波士顿大学为学生演讲的terremark公司副总裁埃伦鲁宾(ellenrubin)表示。
- " No matter how well the case is written , to hear from someone who was in the trenches and had to make a decision there 's no comparison , " says ellen rubin , vice-president at terremark , a verizon company , who recently spoke to students at bu .
- bu博士说,该研究的结果是,人们能也许可以通过增加这两种蛋白质的受体在基因方面的表达能力,即增强传递削减食欲的信息给大脑的能力来对肥胖进行治疗。
- Given these results , dr. bu says it may be possible to develop a treatment that increases gene expression in one or both of the protein receptors , which then increases the messages meant to decrease appetite sent to the brain .
- “最终,这一链条上的公司都企图假装和延伸,”杰富瑞的julianbu表示,“它们在试图维持看上去不可持续的局面。”
- " Ultimately , the companies in the chain are looking to pretend and extend , " said julian bu at jefferies . " They are trying to maintain something that looks unsustainable . "