- 公司注册机构既不受反洗钱规章的制约,也无需上报经它们注册或者管理的公司的可疑活动。
- Formation agents are neither covered under anti-money-laundering rules nor required to report suspicious activity by firms they have established or administer .
- 无论你的政策多么开明,若没有人去加以实施,它们依然毫无价值。
- However enlightened your policies , they are worth nothing without people to administer them .
- 心理咨询师同时要能实施一些测试和评估,这些测试和评估有助于诊断某种特殊情况或者理解病人的思想、感觉和行为。
- Psychologists also administer tests and assessments that can help diagnose a condition or help understand how the person thinks , feels and behaves .
- 这是块出了名的难治理的地方。
- It is famously hard to govern .
- 奥巴马总统希望像掌管一个蓝州一样统治美国。
- The president wants to govern america like a blue state .
- 不过,奥巴马先生缺少一个决定性的参院多数可能会帮助他管理地更好。
- But mr obama 's lack of a crushing senate majority could actually help him govern better .
- 大公司能够获得规模经济的好处。
- Big firms can reap economies of scale .
- 我种下的是批评,我将收获批评。
- If I sow criticism , I 'm going to reap criticism .
- 巴拿马能从中获得更好的收益。
- Panama is better placed to reap the benefits .
- 财政条约的核心是要把财政制度写入宪法,并且让欧盟机构惩处那些放肆挥霍的行为。
- The idea is to write fiscal discipline into national constitutions and harness the eu 's institutions to punish profligacy and excess .
- 或许选民将惩罚肮脏的政治家。
- Perhaps voters will punish dirty politicians .
- 主张严惩罪犯的一派包括大部分右翼媒体和大多的农村人口,他们希望严厉制裁暴乱者。
- The nasty camp , which includes most of the right-wing press and much of the country , wants to punish rioters severely .