- 内衣我是早就没有了,剩下的就是从水手们的箱子里找到的几件花格子衬衫,那也是我舍不得穿而小心保存下来的。
- As to linnen , I had had none a good while , except some chequer 'd shirts which I found in the chests of the other seamen , and which I carefully preserved .
- 当罗伯特站起来布道时,会众们已经在那呆了很久了。
- When robert got up to preach , the congregation had been there a good while .
- 被激怒了好一阵子马克吐温;你这么早叫醒她,她被激怒了;对他的朋友发火;为一个评论而发怒。
- Stayed huffy a good while-mark twain ; she gets mad when you wake her up so early ; mad at his friend ; sore over a remark .