

n.(拴牲畜用的)系绳( tether的名词复数 );系链;(能力等的)限度;范围
v.用绳子拴住(牲畜)( tether的第三人称单数 )

tethers 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

The force that tethers all of these debacles to the growing number of americans who can 't pay their mortgages is one that increasingly sets the cadence for global commerce : risk .
Today 's worker may leave the office physically but never digitally : he is attached to it with invisible tethers through his smartphone and his tablet . He can take part in videoconferences so realistic that he might be in the same room .
But repeatedly billed as an " all-in-one home entertainment system , " the upcoming console from microsoft not only appears to leave crucial television integration on the shelf , it also tethers users to their cable or satellite boxes .
Mr sloan tethers his story to a weird reality , striking a comical balance between eccentric and normal .
Io tethers himself to an allied unit , granting both units bonus movement speed .
Indeed , the problem has been one of the motivations behind the development of tethers by nasa , universities and small companies .
These obstacles are not insuperable , however , and many scientists expect to see tethers doing real work in orbit in the not so distant future .