- 但是同样好战的专属政府武装力量却没有一个人站在被告席上。
- But nobody from congo 's equally trigger-happy pro-government forces is in the dock .
- 运输服务亦告中断,在码头工人加入罢工后,渡船和火车全都停开。
- Transport services also were disrupted , with ferry and rail services suspended after dock workers joined the strike .
- 政界人士成为首批站在被告席上的人物,他们被发现虚报费用。
- The politicians were among the first in the dock caught fiddling their expenses .
- 许多船厂工人已经失业,另一些人的饭碗也摇摇欲坠。
- Many shipyard workers have already lost their jobs . Others see unemployment looming .
- 纽波特纽斯拥有美国唯一一个能够建造核动力航空母舰的船厂。
- The only shipyard in the country that builds nuclear aircraft-carriers is in newport news .
- 现在,船厂已经找到了新的出路:制造海上风力涡轮发电机。
- Today the shipyard has found a new role building offshore wind turbines .
- 一个浅肤色、身材高大的男子正等在码头尽处。
- There was a tall light-skinned man waiting at the end of the docks .
- 最终他为父亲找到了一份报酬更好的工作,到码头上当搬运工。
- Eventually he got my father a better-paying second job as a porter on the docks .
- 棉花从利物浦码头源源不断运送到曼彻斯特,这里成为输送棉花的终点站。
- Manchester became the terminus of the line that carried cotton to and from docks at liverpool .
- 记者暂时无法联系到滨海湾金沙酒店和圣淘沙名胜世界置评。
- Genting and marina bay sands could not be reached immediately for comment .
- 软骨藻酸或许也有助于它们为什么进入码头。
- Or the domoic acid may help explain why they entered the marina .
- 这些齿印在玛丽娜不再尖叫后很长一段时间里还保留着,此时她也不再为丈夫的去世感到悲伤了。
- Those scars remained long after marina had stopped screaming , long after she had ceased grieving for her husband altogether .