- 东北地区的贪污腐败臭名昭著。
- The north-east is notorious for corruption .
- punjab南部地区作为圣战组织和派别活动的中心而声名狼藉。
- Southern punjab is a notorious hub of sectarian and jihadi activity .
- 墨西哥的选举曾经因为徇私舞弊而臭名昭著。
- Mexican elections were once notorious for fraud .
- 在如今臭名昭著的abacus2007-ac1cdo产品上,高盛或许蒙受了损失。
- It may have made losses on the now infamous cdo called abacus 2007-ac1 .
- 他被指控的过错在于那个月他贴出了一条链接,指向一个引起了伊斯兰世界强烈抗议的声名狼藉的youtube视频。
- His alleged offence was posting a link to an infamous youtube video that caused protests in the islamic world that month .
- 在德国人开始其声名狼藉的针对波兰人的恐怖统治的同时,俄国人也正开始开展相似的残酷镇压行动。
- As the germans started enacting their infamous horrors against the polish population , the russians were embarking on a similar campaign of brutal suppression .
- 夜晚是那些声名狼藉者罪犯、妓女和醉汉的乐园。
- The night was a place populated by people of disrepute - criminals , prostitutes and drunks .
- 但是,这个计策,如果曾合法过,现在已经被视为不光彩的行为。
- But this ruse , if ever legitimate , has now fallen into disrepute .
- 在过去的30年里,我们看到了一些列的商业大亨因为被指控腐败,行贿,内幕交易或者逃税而落得声名狼藉。
- In the past 30 years , we have seen a string of cases of high-flying business tycoons falling into disrepute due to allegations of corruption , bribery , insider trading and tax evasion .