- 后来,他们的日子越过越好,人们为自己的业绩感到骄傲,他们决定在巴比伦修一座通天的高塔,来传颂自己的赫赫威名,并作为集合全天下弟兄的标记,以免分散。
- Later , it is better that their day is crossed , people feels proud for his outstanding achievement , they decide to build the tall tower of an exceeding lofty or great in babylon , will eulogize oneself illustrious prestige , regard gather as the mark of brothers of entire the world , lest disperse .
- 我已经迷失了自己。
- I have lost my self .
- 下面就请你自己看看吧。
- Look and see for your self .
- 更高的自我就是你!
- The higher self is you !