- 自治区目前已与国外24个城市或地区的姐妹。
- Autonomous region has currently 24 and twinning with foreign cities or regions .
- mult的政治领导者heribertopazos说他将尽他所能和该自治区的领导者谈判,进而和ubisort进行最终谈判。
- Heriberto pazos , the leader of mult 's political wing , says he is willing to negotiate with the municipality 's leaders and ultimately with ubisort .
- 上周,新闻报道说在巴西圣保罗市阿拉萨图巴发生了另一起火焰龙卷风,由于夏天气候异常干燥所引起。
- Last week , newscasters reported on another fire tornado in the brazilian municipality of aracatuba in sao paulo state , provoked by this summer 's unusual aridity .
- 梅纳沙市蒸汽动力厂这类项目的拖欠行为有所不同,因为它们通常都是由地方政府提供资金支持并管理的。
- Defaults like the menasha steam plant are somewhat different because they often are backed and operated by the local municipality .
- 目前该区申请“公共议会住宅”的居民们需要等待10年才能全部获批。
- The borough has a roughly ten-year wait for public council housing .
- 我住在伦敦的哈克尼区(hackney),这里犯罪率较高,学校教育质量也比较差。
- I live in hackney , a london borough where crime is high and the schools are poor .
- 但是由于2012年举办的奥运会,有些头脑灵活的买家把眼光投向了东边的哈克尼区,以及从斯特拉特福到雷顿的在建楼盘。
- But with the olympics in 2012 , smart buyers are looking east to the borough of hackney and the construction going on from stratford to leyton .