- 我已经迷失了自己。
- I have lost my self .
- 下面就请你自己看看吧。
- Look and see for your self .
- 更高的自我就是你!
- The higher self is you !
- 我已经迷失了自己。
- I have lost my self .
- 下面就请你自己看看吧。
- Look and see for your self .
- 更高的自我就是你!
- The higher self is you !
- 亚洲人把尊严和人生看得很低。
- Asians devalue dignity and human life .
- 失去了太多的自尊。
- Before we lost too much dignity .
- 我会给客户以尊严和尊重。
- I treated customers with dignity and respect .
- 我的自负严重到了丑陋的地步。
- My ego is quite large and ugly .
- 但是,不要担心你的自我。
- But don 't worry about your ego .
- 自我不坏,也不邪恶。
- The ego isn 't bad or evil .