- 你不得不抓住突然坠落的工厂雇员,监管未成年矿工,在商店外分发前面带有一个白色梨子商标的智能手机就是这样一款游戏么?
- A game where you have to catch plummeting factory employees , oversee underage miners and distribute smartphones outside a store with a white pear logo on the front ?
- 酒店的上海厨师精于法式菜肴的制作,酒窖里储藏着法国红酒和皮尔斯先生家酿的梨子白兰地。
- The shanghainese chef has been well trained in french cuisine , and the wine cellar is stocked with biodynamic french wines and mr. peres 's homemade pear brandy .
- 它是优雅的,任何东西放在上面,都能更进一步地强化这种感觉:鲜亮的绿色梨子,一些切碎粗糙的巧克力,一堆烤杏仁。
- It 's elegant , enhanced by anything that touches its surface : a bright green pear , roughly chopped chocolate , a pile of toasted almonds .