- 每一层是像一盏灯投到上一层。
- A layer mask is like a light cast onto a layer .
- 这位女士说道idf战斗机在铸铅运动中导致的破坏。
- The woman explained that the idf caused the damage in operation cast lead .
- 就连我们用来讨论铸铅行动的词语都是错误的,利维指出。
- Even the terms we use to discuss operation cast lead are wrong , levy argues .
- 使用可溶解的呼吸条。
- Pop a dissolvable breath strip .
- 在他身后的一排窗户里,显示着一条细细的海滩。
- Behind him , a wall of windows showed a thin strip of beach .
- 对于急于捍卫狭长地带免遭以色列再度重击的哈马斯政府而言,这是条坏消息。
- That is bad news for hamas 's government , keen to safeguard its narrow strip from renewed israeli pounding .
- 真是这个小屋在福岛县爆炸了。
- It 's the shed that exploded today at fukushima .
- 伦敦交通局里面没有人会掉眼泪。
- Few at tfl will shed any tears .
- 过了一段时间,姑妈注意到康拉丁总是去小屋。
- After a time the aunt noticed conradin 's visits to the shed .
- 一家药品公司将放弃初期研究。
- A drugs company will drop early-stage research .
- 只要在牛奶里加入一滴就行了。
- Just mix one drop of it with milk .
- 明年的增长可能会降低到1%以下。
- Growth could drop below 1 % next year .
- 磷矿脱镁降硅进展及趋势。
- Development and tendency of phosphate doff magnesium and degrade silicon for phosphate ores .
- 罗密欧,放弃你的名儿,由于你的名儿不是你的任何。
- Romeo , doff thy name ! And for thy name , which is no part of thee , take all myself .
- 我承认我脱掉毛衣穿上t恤和短裤并不是很帅,但是一般来说,更多的裸露肌肤意味着更多的荷尔蒙。
- I admit that I 'm not great-looking when I doff the sweater for shorts and a t-shirt , but in general more skin usually means heightened hormones .
- 为了实现目标,竞标者还要进行一些棘手的协调工作。
- But the bidders have a tricky balancing-act to pull off .
- 释放连接器并拔出接头。
- Release connector and pull off .
- 松开并拔下多接头。
- Release and pull off multiple connector .